I finished making a new design this week called Abstract Carriage. It’s based on a photo I took of a carriage that was outside of a shop in Cape May, NJ. It reminded me of Cinderella. At first, I wasn’t going to make the design but I knew I had to work on it. I go into a lot more detail about the design on the blog post. You can see the full version of the video as well. I will be making another design either on Sunday or Monday. I’m not exactly sure. I’m going to try to make two more designs before the end of next week. I would like to start working on the album video before the end of March. It’s going to be a short video because I didn’t get a lot of footage I can use but I can make it work.
After I finish the album, I would like to travel to Chicago. However… I don’t know if I will have the funds to go on the trip. I will try my best. If not… I will start working on creating story videos and more abstract art. Story videos take a lot of time. There’s so much editing involved. I do love the end result so it’s worth the struggle in making the videos. My hope is to have my own program created by the end of the year that will help me create story videos with ease. I’m looking into freelancers that can create programs. I wish I knew I how to create the program I need but that’s beyond my skillset. I would like to focus on video editing and designing abstract art. A dream, more like a fantasy is to have one of my videos in a festival. I have this feeling that there’s so much more I need to do to become a good video producer/editor. It would be cool to direct a short movie with lots of lavish colors.
When I was a kid I wanted to become an actress. When I grew up I knew that definitely wasn’t going to happen. While I was writing my book, I began to see lots of wonderful visions of beautiful places that were different from reality. I wanted to write these visions but I knew I wasn’t a good writer, especially with technical details. Now with editing videos, it’s possible to showcase my imagination. I’ve been making music videos since I was 17. Always as a hobby. I finally figured out a way to make my design come alive and I want to make lots of videos. Typically skies aren’t orange, green, yellow, red all the time. Well… not where I live. Can you imagine living in a reality where the skies have different colors every day? Or if the colors of your current reality reflected your mood? I think all this is possible with color. When I start recording my road trips, I will create story videos drenched in color. I’ve been browsing Amazon lately for a car mount. I have one but it’s no good. I’m not sure which mount would be perfect to record video. I have a short list of equipment and tools that I need to buy. I need a new phone just for recording footage. I would love a Samsung Galaxy. I also need a computer with high resolution to step up my video quality. This is vital and I’m considering making another sacrifice to buy this computer.
I was feeling very depressed this week. Something terrible happened that I won’t go into much detail here. That’s for another blog. I do have a second blog where I talk more about personal subjects. I used to do that here but now I don’t feel comfortable. It’s not the right place. Not that I get a lot of traffic here but that could change. I hope it does. Anyway… I was so down that I actually reached out to a psychic for advice. She told me that things will change in 2 to 3 weeks and I would meet someone that would help me with my art. At the time I thought that was a lie and it made me more upset. She also told me not to stay home and go out and show my art. I started advertising but it was unsuccessful. I spend a lot of time setting up landing pages, videos, and etc. I maintain this website. I create all the videos and art. I do this because I love what I do and I want to complete this mission. I want to attend film festivals with my story videos. I want to travel the world and create hundreds of designs. I don’t know if this will happen. Maybe the person I’m supposed to meet in 3 weeks will help. I asked the psychic where do I need to be to meet this person and she said not where I am. I don’t know, maybe I can take a short road trip to a nearby city. However, I live in a major city so I’m not sure if I have to travel to a nearby major city or just anywhere out of Pennsylvania. I’m curious, even though I think she was lying to me. I will definitely post here if I meet this mysterious person that will help me with my work. If there’s any chance then I will have to make a trip somewhere that’s in my price range and that’s close to impossible. See… that’s the problem. Je ne sais pas! I wish I knew Cinderella’s Godmother. I have no idea how to make my dreams come true in this reality. I feel like I’m doing everything I can but I know it’s not enough. I have to keep trying, right?
I have an idea to create a story video/commercial. I think it will work better for advertising instead of my speed art videos. I’m not sure. I’m literally trying everything that comes to mind. I read lots of articles on marketing. I’ve been studying internet marketing for several years. It’s helped me build this website even though there’s not much traffic here.