I’ve been really busy this month. I’m close to finishing my landing page for the album. There’s still so much to do but I am confident that I will be ready for my first adventure outside of my hometown. This is a unique experience for me. I went to an event last year that looking back now has changed my life. I feel more hopeful that I can take a step into the unknown and take more risks. Dare myself to actually achieve something that I felt was impossible. I know there’s much more work needed to become successful but I feel there’s a chance for me. The event gave me a glimpse on what’s possible. It was a step inside my dream world and it was amazing.
I’ve been trying to pursue a dream with color and nature for a few years. The last two years have been rough. To actually go through with this travel series is a step in the right direction for me. It’s the dream… The only thing I have to do is concentrate on building my dream. There are a lot of setbacks but I have to remain focused. I have to apply everything I learned and experienced throughout the last two years and move forward.
I was thinking about creating a daily podcast during my travels in Hartford for the travel series art album. I think it would be a great way to keep a record of my journeys. It would take some time to record and post everything but I think it’s going to add an extra challenge for me while I’m in Hartford. I should have the time to record everything. I can worry about sleep while on the train ride home. 😉
I am starting to feel really nervous about this album. It’s a similar feeling to the event I went to last year. I want this album to be successful. I hope to conquer any setbacks and learn from my mistakes. I want to keep track of everything so I’ll have an easier time with the next album. I am truly greatful to todoist. It’s helping me stay on track and accountable. I want to complete at least 5 tasks per day towards my dream. I write a brand new list every day. I want to build the habit of consistently working on this website and my love for color.
I mentioned about a week ago that I wasn’t able to get a camera for this trip. I was able to find a camera that’s in my budget. I think it’s a suitable alternative. It’s a lot cheaper than my first choice but looks like it’s a great camera. I read awesome reviews and the video quality looks amazing. I also purchased a youtube kit on videohive to help me make intros and outros for my channel. I’m going to start working on that tonight and tomorrow.
Counting the days…