March 3rd, 2019 Update: I am adding designs and music videos made before this domain was bought in December 2013. Optical Illusion was originally posted on December 25th, 2012. I had a different domain at that time called Unfortunately, I lost all written content for the blog. I did write a little bit about the design on my Youtube Channel. You can read more information about Optical Illusion below. Thanks!
I made this abstract piece from traditional pencil/oil pastel 3d drawing. The digital process was created using Paintshop Pro.
I wanted to play with geometric effects again. This time I started blending the effects at the beginning instead of close to the end of the blending process. I had every intention not to distort the traditional drawing. However, while I was making this piece I started seeing a human face. I continued in that direction, hoping to enhance the facial features. I think you can see a mouth, eyes and nose in this piece. If you can’t see that, I completely understand. I was actually thinking a lot about different perspectives of my work when making this design. It’s the main reason why I titled it optical illusion.
The song used in this video is called Whirlwind Dance by Ghost Hunter.