

March 3rd, 2019 Update: I am adding designs and music videos made before this domain was bought in December 2013. Experimental was originally posted on January 24th, 2013. I had a different domain at that time called katherinebarnett.me. Unfortunately, I lost all written content for the blog. I did write a little bit about the design on my Youtube Channel. You can read more information about Experimental below. Thanks!

I experimented with more textures in this design. I’m trying really hard to make each design completely different from the last. I worked on this design for about 5 hours. For the traditional drawing, I was playing around with shapes and wanted to create a 3d effect.

While I was making the design in paintshop, I was getting frustrated because purple was popping up in many blends that I liked. I wasn’t going to use purple as a main color in this design. I worked with it too much recently and it’s not a favorite color of mine. I think the star is red. 🙂 I really love red.

I wanted to work on this design more. I work within a strict time frame. I don’t have much time to create designs. Once I get a new computer that will change. Sometimes I feel like my work is suffering because I don’t have time to fully explore color blends. I do hope you like you the video and the artwork. I made two versions of this design. A light version that features more blue and a dark version that features more red. Thumbnail features the dark version (3/3/19 Update).

Tools: Pencil, Oil Pastel and Paintshop Pro
Time: About 5 hours
Song in Video: Found by Retro
