The B83 Podcast: Episode 35 – Last Day In Hartford, CT

The B83 Podcast: Episode 35 – Last Day In Hartford, CT

Welcome to Episode 35 of Beatnik83 Podcast! In this episode, I talk about my last full day in Harford before going back home. I went to the Wadsworth museum and felt inspired to work with certain colors. There were two art pieces that I absolutely love and I talk about each one in the episode. I feature an art collection dedicated to landscapes. There are 32 art pieces in the collection. The two songs featured in this episode are Clockwork (outro) by Syntactic and Chiado by Jahzzar. Thanks so much for listening! ♥ Katherine

Below are all the links that I talk about throughout the episode. If you love the songs featured in the podcast, download them and support the artist! Thanks so much!

Links Featured on Episode 35
