Welcome to Episode 29 of Beatnik83 Podcast! I think this episode is a little strange. I dedicated my art collection to Hats. I found a lot of art pieces towards the end of my search. While I was writing the post for the weekly art promoter winner, I thought of an idea to create an art contest. I talk more about that in the episode. I also feature two songs in this episode. The first song is called Two Horrible People by Phemale. The second song is called Divider by Chris Zabriskie. Thanks so much for listening! ♥ Katherine
Below are all the links that I talk about throughout the episode. If you love the songs featured in the podcast, download them and support the artist! Thanks so much!
Links Featured on Episode 29
- 24th Collection: Hats
- Favorite Art Piece in Hats Collection: Stuck on You by Amae Designs
- Art Promoter Community on Google+ (Community is no longer accessible as of 1/2019)
- Weekly Art Winner on Art Promoter: Samsmusement
- First song featured on Episode 29: Two Horrible People by Phemale
- Second song featured on Episode 29: Divider by Chris Zabriskie