
Belavla is the first music video request I ever done. OBYONETAOPY wanted me to do a music video featuring one of my designs for their album Sun. I picked Belavla and dedicated the title and design to the song. I feel honored that someone would want me to use their music for a video. I usually find my music on my own. One of my ultimate dreams is to make a music video one day for one of my favorite musicians like Imogen Heap. It would definitely be a highlight in my career. This video is definitely a huge step forward. I am really grateful.

I used lots of orange, yellow and black. I’m kind of on the fence with orange. I don’t hate the color but I normally don’t work with the color often. I wanted to use a new color blend for this video. I’m not quite sure it matches the song but I wanted to take a risk. Every design is an adventure for me so I sincerely hope that Obyonetaopy enjoys the music video. I hope you like it as well.

Tools: Pencil and Paintshop Pro
Design time: 2+ hours
Song in Video: Belavla by OBYONETAOPY. You can visit the album here and download Belavla and more tracks. 

Thanks so much for visiting Beatnik83. ~ Katherine
