Inside The Chill Box

Inside The Chill Box

February 25th, 2019 Update: I am adding designs and music videos made before this domain was bought in December 2013. Inside The Chill Box was originally posted on June 25th, 2013. I had a different domain at that time called Unfortunately, I lost all written content for the blog. I did write a little bit about the design on my Youtube Channel. You can read more information about Inside The Chill Box below. Thanks!

This design took several hours to complete. I was on a strict time deadline and I’m happy to complete the video and design in enough time. At first, I wanted to create a design that features green and yellow only. Along the way, I was liking the colors that were forming with the blends. The original design does have a significant amount of yellow and green. I am really happy about the colors.

I called this design Inside The Chill Box. I was listening to lots of chillstep music while making this design. I thought it was fitting to name the design after the music. Plus the 3d drawing I made looks like a box.

Tools: Oil Pastel, Camera, Paintshop Pro 8, and Pencil. The program is very old but I love it and I probably won’t use another program. I aim to create my own program for creating designs.

Song used in video: Midori by Beat Culture.

Thanks so much for watching!
