March 3rd, 2019 Update: I am adding designs and music videos made before this domain was bought in December 2013. Resolution Epic was originally posted on January 4th, 2013. I had a different domain at that time called Unfortunately, I lost all written content for the blog. I did write a little bit about the design on my Youtube Channel. You can read more information about Resolution Epic below. Thanks!
Happy New Year!!!
This is my first abstract art design in 2013! I’m super excited! I have a resolution that felt impossible to complete in the past but not now. Now I am concentrating on being the best version of myself. To become successful in my own eyes. I want to produce hundreds of music videos this year and make twice as much art designs. I want to be able to live solely on color. I believe the road I’m on is leading to that destiny. I just have to keep on working hard. At this moment, to be able to live the dream every day would feel epic to me. To not have to work a dead end job to pay the rent. To live solely on passion, my love of color and sound. That’s where I want to be by the end of the year. I am nervous and scared but I’m going to try my best to keep making art and focusing on color every moment to become better and to live inside the dream. That’s my New Year’s resolution and I hope you can see where I want to go in this design. 🙂
Tools: Traditional drawing: Oil pastel and Pencil
Digital Process: Paintshop Pro
Song in Video: Aos poucos fui-me esquecendo by The Astroboy. It’s an awesome song. I wanted to use it a week ago with another design but had computer trouble.