Geometric Bubblegum

Geometric Bubblegum

Geometric Bubblegum is featured as design 60 at my Youtube channel: BeatnikBlends

My 60th music video! Awesome… I like hitting big numbers. It feels great. I can’t wait to reach the triple digits. I hope I’m able to reach 100 and beyond. It would mean so much to me to get to that point.

I like to look back on previous designs and see what I haven’t attempted or at least go deeper in a particular color. I noticed the last three designs had yellow. It always amazes me how certain colors pop up where I least expect it. Pink is one color I don’t visit too often, especially as a primary color. The last design that featured pink was my 42nd music video, Three Dimensional Stare. I made that design 4 months ago! I definitely wanted to feature a light pink. It’s funny because I kept running into purple while making this design. I was finding a lot of awesome purple blends and I was tempted to go down that road but I stuck with pink and I’m really happy with the result.

I rotated the pencil drawing a few times to get the ending shape of the design. I really love to play around with the drawings. It’s cool that you can create new shapes by rotating the image in a particular way. There are so many directions you can take in Paintshop.

Making art is truly an awesome experience for me. I know I mentioned it before but I feel like I’m in paradise. Whenever I reach that sweet spot, when the colors are just right, I can’t help but smile. Color is beautiful.

The title is based on the colors and shapes I experimented with while making this design. I hope you like Geometric Bubblegum.

Tools: Pencil and Paintshop Pro
Time to create: 2 Hours
Song in video: Enel by Casetofoane. You can download the song here.

Thanks so much for visiting Beatnik83. ~ Katherine
